Lesson No 13C-Discussing Likes And Dislikes

Talking about our likes and dislikes is a great way to connect with others and learn more about their preferences. Whether it’s discussing our favorite foods, movies, or hobbies, sharing our likes and dislikes can help us build relationships and find common ground.

Here are some phrases you can use to talk about your likes and dislikes:

  • I like… (e.g., I like pizza.)
  • I don’t like… (e.g., I don’t like spicy food.)
  • My favorite… (e.g., My favorite color is blue.)
  • I prefer… (e.g., I prefer cats to dogs.)
  • I’m not a big fan of… (e.g., I’m not a big fan of horror movies.)

Expressing Likes

  1. I like pizza.
    • आई लाइक पिज़्ज़ा.
    • Like: To enjoy or be pleased with something.
  2. She loves reading books.
    • शी लव्स रीडिंग बुक्स.
    • Love: To have a deep affection or great enjoyment for something.
  3. They enjoy playing soccer.
    • दे एंजॉय प्लेइंग सॉकर.
    • Enjoy: To take pleasure in something.
  4. He likes to travel.
    • ही लाइक्स टू ट्रैवल.
    • Travel: To go from one place to another, often for pleasure or exploration.
  5. We love watching movies.
    • वी लव वॉचिंग मूवीज़.
    • Watching movies: The act of viewing films.

Expressing Dislikes

  1. I don’t like spicy food.
    • आई डोंट लाइक स्पाइसी फूड.
    • Dislike: To not enjoy or be pleased with something.
  2. She hates waking up early.
    • शी हेट्स वेकिंग अप अर्ली.
    • Hate: To have a strong dislike or aversion.
  3. They don’t enjoy cleaning.
    • दे डोंट एंजॉय क्लीनिंग.
    • Cleaning: The act of making something free from dirt or clutter.
  4. He dislikes doing homework.
    • ही डिसलाइक्स डूइंग होमवर्क.
    • Homework: School assignments that are done at home.
  5. We don’t like cold weather.
    • वी डोंट लाइक कोल्ड वेधर.
    • Cold weather: Weather that is low in temperature, often uncomfortable.
See also  Lesson No 24B-Describing Interest Using All Parts Of Speech

Examples of Using Likes and Dislikes in Conversations

Conversation 1: Simple Likes and Dislikes

Person A: What do you like to do in your free time?

  • व्हॉट डू यू लाइक टू डू इन योर फ्री टाइम?
  • Free time: Time when you are not working or busy.

Person B: I like to read books. How about you?

  • आई लाइक टू रीड बुक्स. हाउ अबाउट यू?
  • Read: To look at and understand the meaning of written or printed matter.

Person A: I enjoy playing video games.

  • आई एंजॉय प्लेइंग वीडियो गेम्स.
  • Playing video games: Engaging in electronic games played using a computer or gaming console.

Conversation 2: Specific Preferences

Person A: Do you like traveling?

  • डू यू लाइक ट्रैवलिंग?
  • Traveling: The act of going from one place to another.

Person B: Yes, I love it! I especially like visiting new countries.

  • येस, आई लव इट! आई एस्पेशली लाइक विज़िटिंग न्यू कंट्रीज़.
  • Visiting: Going to see and spend time in a place for pleasure.

Person A: That’s great! I don’t enjoy long flights, though.

  • दैट्स ग्रेट! आई डोंट एंजॉय लॉन्ग फ्लाइट्स, थो.
  • Long flights: Extended periods of air travel.

Person B: I understand. They can be tiring.

  • आई अंडरस्टैंड. दे कैन बी टायरींग.
  • Tiring: Causing one to need rest or sleep.

Conversation 3: Talking About Food Preferences

Person A: Do you like spicy food?

  • डू यू लाइक स्पाइसी फूड?
  • Spicy food: Food that has a strong, hot flavor.

Person B: Not really, I prefer mild flavors.

  • नॉट रियली, आई प्रेफर माइल्ड फ्लेवर्स.
  • Mild flavors: Food with gentle, not strong or spicy taste.
See also  Lesson No 38A -- Phrases to Express Opinions

Person A: I love spicy dishes! They add so much excitement to meals.

  • आई लव स्पाइसी डिशेज़! दे ऐड सो मच एक्साइटमेंट टू मील्स.
  • Excitement: A feeling of great enthusiasm and interest.

Practice Sentences

Expressing Likes

  1. I like listening to music.
    • आई लाइक लिसनिंग टू म्यूज़िक.
    • Listening to music: The act of hearing and enjoying musical sounds.
  2. She loves hiking in the mountains.
    • शी लव्स हाइकिंग इन द माउंटेन्स.
    • Hiking: The activity of going for long walks, especially in the countryside or woods.

Expressing Dislikes

  1. I don’t like crowded places.
    • आई डोंट लाइक क्राउडेड प्लेसेस.
    • Crowded places: Areas that are too full of people.
  2. He hates doing laundry.
    • ही हेट्स डूइंग लॉन्ड्री.
    • Doing laundry: The act of washing clothes.

Using these example sentences and conversation snippets, you can practice discussing your likes and dislikes in English. This will help you improve your conversational skills and vocabulary.

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