Lesson No 10C-Talking About Favorite Foods And Drinks

Whether you’re a foodie or simply enjoy a good meal, discussing favorite foods and drinks is a great way to connect with others. Sharing our culinary preferences can reveal our personalities, cultural backgrounds, and even our memories. So, let’s dive into the world of food and drinks and explore our favorite tastes!

Here are some phrases you can use to talk about your favorite foods and drinks:

Asking about favorites:

  • What’s your favorite food?
  • What’s your favorite drink?
  • Do you like spicy food?
  • Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?

Talking about your favorites:

  • My favorite food is pizza.
  • I love chocolate.
  • I don’t like spicy food.
  • I prefer sweet drinks.
  • I’m not a big fan of seafood.

Describing food and drinks:

  • It’s delicious.
  • It’s spicy.
  • It’s sweet.
  • It’s salty.
  • It’s sour.
  • It’s bitter.

Conversation 1: Sharing Favorite Foods

Person A: What’s your favorite food?
व्हॉट्स योर फेवरिट फ़ूड?

Person B: I love sushi. It’s so fresh and tasty!
आई लव सुशी। इट्स सो फ्रेश ऐंड टेस्टी!

Person A: Sushi is great! Do you have a favorite type?
सुशी इज़ ग्रेट! डू यू हैव अ फेवरिट टाइप?

Person B: Yes, salmon nigiri. What about you?
येस, सैल्मन निगिरी। व्हॉट अबाउट यू?

Person A: I love homemade lasagna.
आई लव होममेड लसागना।

Person B: That sounds delicious!
दैट साउंड्स डिलिशस!

Conversation 2: Discussing Favorite Drinks

Person A: What’s your favorite drink?
व्हॉट्स योर फेवरिट ड्रिंक?

Person B: I love coffee. I drink it every morning.
आई लव कॉफी। आई ड्रिंक इट एव्री मॉर्निंग।

See also  Lesson No 39A-Vocabulary For Expressing Emotions

Person A: Coffee is great. I like green tea.
कॉफी इज़ ग्रेट। आई लाइक ग्रीन टी।

Person B: Green tea is healthy. Do you have a favorite type?
ग्रीन टी इज़ हेल्दी। डू यू हैव अ फेवरिट टाइप?

Person A: Yes, matcha. It’s so versatile.
येस, माचा। इट्स सो वरसटाइल।

Person B: Matcha is amazing!
माचा इज़ अमेजिंग!

Conversation 3: Trying New Foods

Person A: Have you tried any new foods recently?
हैव यू ट्राइड एनी न्यू फ़ूड्स रीसेन्ट्ली?

Person B: Yes, I tried Ethiopian food. It was great!
येस, आई ट्राइड इथियोपियन फ़ूड। इट वॉज़ ग्रेट!

Person A: What did you have?
व्हॉट डिड यू हैव?

Person B: Doro Wat with injera. You should try it.
डोरो वाट विथ इंजेरा। यू शुड ट्राई इट।

Person A: I will! Any good restaurants?
आई विल! एनी गुड रेस्टोरैन्ट्स?

Person B: Try “Abyssinia” downtown.
ट्राई “एबिसिनिया” डाउनटाउन।

Person A: Thanks! I’ll check it out.
थैंक्स! आई’ल चेक इट आउट।

Conversation 4: Exchanging Recipes

Person A: Do you have a recipe for your favorite food?
डू यू हैव अ रेसेपी फ़ॉर योर फेवरिट फ़ूड?

Person B: Yes, it’s my grandma’s lasagna. I can share it.
येस, इट्स माय ग्रैन्डमा’स लसागना। आई कैन शेयर इट।

Person A: Thanks! I can share my sushi recipe with you.
थैंक्स! आई कैन शेयर माय सुशी रेसेपी विद यू।

Person B: That sounds great! Let’s exchange recipes.
दैट साउंड्स ग्रेट! लेट्स एक्सचेंज रेसेपीज़।

Person A: Sure, here are the ingredients.
श्योर, हीअर आर द इन्ग्रीडियेन्ट्स।

Person B: Thanks, I’ll try it!
थैंक्स, आई’ल ट्राई इट!

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These simple conversations can help you practice talking about your favorite foods and drinks.

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