Lesson No 38A — Phrases to Express Opinions

Phrases to Express Opinions

Expressing opinions is a crucial part of conversations. Here are various phrases to express opinions, along with their pronunciations in Devanagari and their meanings in English.

Affirmative Phrases

  1. I think…
    • आई थिंक…
    • Think: To believe or have a particular opinion.
    • Example: I think this restaurant is great.
    • आई थिंक दिस रेस्टोरैंट इज़ ग्रेट.
    • (Example Meaning: I believe this restaurant is great.)
  2. In my opinion…
    • इन माय ओपिनियन…
    • Opinion: A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
    • Example: In my opinion, summer is the best season.
    • इन माय ओपिनियन, समर इज़ द बेस्ट सीज़न.
    • (Example Meaning: I believe summer is the best season.)
  3. I believe…
    • आई बिलीव…
    • Believe: To accept something as true.
    • Example: I believe she is very talented.
    • आई बिलीव शी इज़ वेरी टैलेंटेड.
    • (Example Meaning: I think she is very talented.)
  4. I feel…
    • आई फील…
    • Feel: To have a particular opinion or attitude.
    • Example: I feel that this project will succeed.
    • आई फील दैट दिस प्रोजेक्ट विल सक्सीड.
    • (Example Meaning: I think this project will succeed.)
  5. I guess…
    • आई गेस…
    • Guess: To suppose or think something without being certain.
    • Example: I guess we can start the meeting now.
    • आई गेस वी कैन स्टार्ट द मीटिंग नाउ.
    • (Example Meaning: I think we can start the meeting now.)

Negative Phrases

  1. I don’t think…
    • आई डोंट थिंक…
    • Don’t think: To express doubt or disagree with something.
    • Example: I don’t think this is a good idea.
    • आई डोंट थिंक दिस इज़ अ गुड आइडिया.
    • (Example Meaning: I don’t believe this is a good idea.)
  2. In my honest opinion…
    • इन माय ऑनेस्ट ओपिनियन…
    • Honest opinion: A truthful or sincere view.
    • Example: In my honest opinion, the movie was too long.
    • इन माय ऑनेस्ट ओपिनियन, द मूवी वॉज़ टू लॉन्ग.
    • (Example Meaning: I truly believe the movie was too long.)
  3. I doubt…
    • आई डाउट…
    • Doubt: To feel uncertain about something.
    • Example: I doubt he will come to the party.
    • आई डाउट ही विल कम टू द पार्टी.
    • (Example Meaning: I am uncertain he will come to the party.)
  4. I am not sure…
    • आई एम नॉट श्योर…
    • Not sure: To be uncertain or not confident.
    • Example: I am not sure if this is the right way.
    • आई एम नॉट श्योर इफ दिस इज़ द राइट वे.
    • (Example Meaning: I am uncertain if this is the right way.)
  5. I suppose…
    • आई सपोज़…
    • Suppose: To think something is likely or probable.
    • Example: I suppose it could work.
    • आई सपोज़ इट कुड वर्क.
    • (Example Meaning: I think it is likely or probable that it could work.)
See also  Lesson No 18A-Vocabulary for types of Restaurants and Cuisines

Examples with Context


Person A: What do you think about the new cafe?

  • व्हॉट डू यू थिंक अबाउट द न्यू कैफ़े?

Person B: I think it’s a nice place to hang out.

  • आई थिंक इट्स अ नाइस प्लेस टू हैंग आउट.

Person A: In my opinion, their coffee is the best in town.

  • इन माय ओपिनियन, देयर कॉफी इज़ द बेस्ट इन टाउन.


Person A: Do you think we should invest in this project?

  • डू यू थिंक वी शुड इन्वेस्ट इन दिस प्रोजेक्ट?

Person B: I don’t think it’s worth the risk.

  • आई डोंट थिंक इट्स वर्थ द रिस्क.

Person A: I am not sure if we have enough information to decide.

  • आई एम नॉट श्योर इफ वी हैव इनफ इन्फॉर्मेशन टू डीसाइड.

Person B: I doubt we’ll get better data soon.

  • आई डाउट वी’ल गेट बेटर डेटा सून.

These example sentences and conversations can help you effectively express your opinions in English. Practicing these phrases will improve your speaking and comprehension skills.

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