Everyday Routines Quiz

subject: everyday routines

 Question 1
What is the first thing most people do after waking up?

a) Go to the gym  
b) Brush their teeth  
c) Eat breakfast  
d) Watch TV  

 Question 2
What is a common morning activity before going to work or school?

a) Playing video games  
b) Having a meeting  
c) Taking a shower  
d) Going for a hike  

 Question 3
What do many people do during their lunch break?

a) Take a nap  
b) Read a book  
c) Eat a meal  
d) Go shopping  

 Question 4
What is a typical evening activity after dinner?

a) Going to bed  
b) Watching TV or a movie  
c) Running errands  
d) Attending a meeting  

 Question 5
What is a common activity before going to sleep?

a) Checking social media  
b) Doing laundry  
c) Vacuuming the house  
d) Cooking dinner  

 Question 6
What is a usual weekend routine for many people?

a) Going to work  
b) Cleaning the house  
c) Attending classes  
d) Going to bed early  

 Question 7
What is a common after-school activity for students?

a) Studying or doing homework  
b) Sleeping  
c) Eating breakfast again  
d) Going to a party  

 Question 8
What do many people do after coming home from work?

a) Exercise or go to the gym  
b) Start working again  
c) Go to the office  
d) Study for exams  

 Question 9
What is a common activity on Sunday mornings?

a) Grocery shopping  
b) Attending religious services or going for a walk  
c) Going to work  
d) Hosting a party  

 Question 10
What is a typical part of a bedtime routine for children?

a) Watching TV  
b) Brushing teeth and reading a story  
c) Eating a snack  
d) Playing outside  

 Answers and Explanations

 Question 1
Correct Answer: b) Brush their teeth  
– Explanation: Brushing teeth is one of the first things many people do after waking up to maintain dental hygiene.

 Question 2
Correct Answer: c) Taking a shower  
– Explanation: Taking a shower is a common morning activity to start the day refreshed.

 Question 3
Correct Answer: c) Eat a meal  
– Explanation: Eating a meal or having lunch is a common activity during a lunch break.

 Question 4
Correct Answer: b) Watching TV or a movie  
– Explanation: Many people relax by watching TV or a movie after dinner.

 Question 5
Correct Answer: a) Checking social media  
– Explanation: Checking social media is a common activity before going to sleep for many people.

 Question 6
Correct Answer: b) Cleaning the house  
– Explanation: Cleaning the house is a common weekend routine for many people.

 Question 7
Correct Answer: a) Studying or doing homework  
– Explanation: After-school activities for students often include studying or doing homework.

 Question 8
Correct Answer: a) Exercise or go to the gym  
– Explanation: Many people exercise or go to the gym after coming home from work to stay healthy.

 Question 9
Correct Answer: b) Attending religious services or going for a walk  
– Explanation: Many people attend religious services or go for a walk on Sunday mornings.

 Question 10
Correct Answer: b) Brushing teeth and reading a story  
– Explanation: Brushing teeth and reading a story are typical parts of a bedtime routine for children.

See also   Pronouns Usage Quiz

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