Conversational English Quiz 5

Question 1

You want to express surprise. What do you say?

  • a) How boring!
  • b) That’s normal.
  • c) Really?
  • d) I expected that.

Question 2

You want to offer encouragement. What do you say?

  • a) Give up.
  • b) You can’t do it.
  • c) You’re almost there.
  • d) Stop trying.

Question 3

You want to make a request. What do you say?

  • a) Order me.
  • b) Tell me what to do.
  • c) Could you please…?
  • d) Do it for me.

Question 4

You want to give advice. What do you say?

  • a) Do whatever you want.
  • b) I don’t care.
  • c) You should…
  • d) It’s not my problem.

Question 5

You want to express sympathy. What do you say?

  • a) That’s great news.
  • b) I’m so happy for you.
  • c) I’m sorry to hear that.
  • d) That’s wonderful.

Question 6

You want to make a small talk. What do you say?

  • a) It’s raining.
  • b) The world is ending.
  • c) Nice day, isn’t it?
  • d) Life is tough.

Question 7

You want to disagree politely. What do you say?

  • a) You’re wrong.
  • b) I disagree.
  • c) You’re stupid.
  • d) You don’t know anything.

Question 8

You want to show appreciation. What do you say?

  • a) Thanks a lot.
  • b) No problem.
  • c) You owe me.
  • d) Forget about it.

Question 9

You want to change the topic. What do you say?

  • a) Let’s talk about this forever.
  • b) I’m bored.
  • c) Speaking of which…
  • d) This is the best topic ever.

Question 10

You want to end a conversation politely. What do you say?

  • a) I have to go now.
  • b) Goodbye forever.
  • c) Don’t call me.
  • d) This is boring.
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Answers and Explanations

Question 1: c) Really?

  • This expresses surprise and interest.

Question 2: c) You’re almost there.

  • This is encouraging and supportive.

Question 3: c) Could you please…?

  • This is a polite way to make a request.

Question 4: c) You should…

  • This offers advice.

Question 5: c) I’m sorry to hear that.

  • This expresses sympathy.

Question 6: c) Nice day, isn’t it?

  • This is a common small talk starter.

Question 7: b) I disagree.

  • This is a polite way to disagree.

Question 8: a) Thanks a lot.

  • This expresses gratitude.

Question 9: c) Speaking of which…

  • This is a smooth way to change the topic.

Question 10: a) I have to go now.

  • This is a polite way to end a conversation.

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