Conversational English Quiz 16: Enjoying a Party

Question 1

You arrive at a party. What do you say to the host?

  • a) This party is boring.
  • b) I hate parties.
  • c) Thanks for inviting me.
  • d) I don’t want to be here.

Question 2

You see someone you haven’t seen in a while. What do you say?

  • a) I don’t remember you.
  • b) It’s been forever!
  • c) I hate seeing you.
  • d. You look terrible.

Question 3

You’re enjoying the music. What do you say to a friend?

  • a) This music is awful.
  • b) I hate this music.
  • c) The music is great!
  • d) I don’t like to dance.

Question 4

You’re offered food. What do you say?

  • a) I’m not hungry.
  • b) The food looks delicious.
  • c) I hate this food.
  • d) I’m on a diet.

Question 5

You want to start a conversation with someone new. What do you say?

  • a) Leave me alone.
  • b) I don’t like talking.
  • c) Hi, how are you?
  • d) I’m bored.

Question 6

You’re having a great time at the party. What do you say to a friend?

  • a) This party is terrible.
  • b) I want to go home.
  • c) I’m having a blast!
  • d) Parties are boring.

Question 7

You accidentally spill a drink on someone. What do you say?

  • a) It’s your fault.
  • b) I’m so sorry!
  • c) No big deal.
  • d) It’s just water.

Question 8

You want to leave the party early. What do you say to the host?

  • a) I’m having a great time.
  • b) I need to go.
  • c) This party is boring.
  • d) I’ll never come back.

Question 9

You meet someone interesting at the party. What do you say?

  • a) You’re boring.
  • b) I don’t like you.
  • c) It’s nice to meet you.
  • d) Leave me alone.
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Question 10

The party is ending. What do you say to the host?

  • a) Thanks for the party.
  • b) The party was terrible.
  • c) I hate parties.
  • d) I’m never coming back.

Answers and Explanations

Question 1: c) Thanks for inviting me.

  • This is a polite response to the host.

Question 2: b) It’s been forever!

  • This expresses excitement at seeing an old friend.

Question 3: c) The music is great!

  • This shows enjoyment of the music.

Question 4: b) The food looks delicious.

  • This is a polite response to the offer.

Question 5: c) Hi, how are you?

  • This is a common way to start a conversation.

Question 6: c) I’m having a blast!

  • This expresses enjoyment of the party.

Question 7: b) I’m so sorry!

  • This is a sincere apology.

Question 8: b) I need to go.

  • This is a polite way to leave.

Question 9: c) It’s nice to meet you.

  • This is a standard greeting for meeting someone new.

Question 10: a) Thanks for the party.

  • This is a polite way to thank the host.

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