Conversational English Quiz 14: Planning a Trip Abroad

Question 1

You want to suggest a trip to a friend. What do you say?

  • a) Let’s plan a trip.
  • b) I hate traveling.
  • c) Traveling is boring.
  • d) I don’t have time.

Question 2

You’re researching destinations. What do you say to yourself?

  • a) I want to go everywhere.
  • b) Traveling is a waste of time.
  • c) I need to decide on a destination.
  • d) I hate planning.

Question 3

You’re discussing travel budgets with a friend. What do you say?

  • a) Money doesn’t matter.
  • b) Let’s spend all our money.
  • c) We need to create a budget.
  • d) Traveling is free.

Question 4

You’re booking flights. What do you say to yourself?

  • a) Flying is scary.
  • b) I hate airplanes.
  • c) I hope I find a good deal.
  • d) Traveling is useless.

Question 5

You’re packing for your trip. What do you say to yourself?

  • a) I don’t need anything.
  • b) I’ll just bring everything.
  • c) I need to pack light.
  • d) Packing is boring.

Question 6

You’re worried about lost luggage. What do you say to a friend?

  • a) I’m not worried.
  • b) Losing luggage is fun.
  • c) I’m worried about lost luggage.
  • d) Luggage is unnecessary.

Question 7

You’re excited about trying new food. What do you say to a travel companion?

  • a) I hate new food.
  • b) I only eat at fast food places.
  • c) I can’t wait to try new food.
  • d) Food is unimportant.

Question 8

You’re homesick while traveling. What do you say to a friend?

  • a) I love traveling.
  • b) I’m having the best time.
  • c) I miss home.
  • d) Traveling is amazing.

Question 9

You’re sharing travel stories with friends. What do you say?

  • a) Traveling is boring.
  • b) I have nothing to share.
  • c) I have the best travel stories.
  • d) I don’t like to talk about travel.
See also  Conversational English Quiz about Making a Compromise in Relationships

Question 10

You’re planning your next trip. What do you say to yourself?

  • a) I hate traveling.
  • b) I need a vacation.
  • c) Traveling is a waste of time.
  • d. I don’t like to plan.

Answers and Explanations

Question 1: a) Let’s plan a trip.

  • This suggests planning a trip.

Question 2: c) I need to decide on a destination.

  • This expresses the need to choose a place.

Question 3: c) We need to create a budget.

  • This acknowledges the importance of budgeting.

Question 4: c) I hope I find a good deal.

  • This expresses a common desire when booking flights.

Question 5: c) I need to pack light.

  • This shows awareness of packing efficiently.

Question 6: c) I’m worried about lost luggage.

  • This expresses a common concern.

Question 7: c) I can’t wait to try new food.

  • This expresses excitement about trying new cuisine.

Question 8: c) I miss home.

  • This expresses homesickness.

Question 9: c) I have the best travel stories.

  • This shows enthusiasm for sharing experiences.

Question 10: b) I need a vacation.

  • This expresses the desire for another trip.
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