Conversational English Quiz 12: Borrowing Money

Question 1

You want to borrow money from a friend. What do you say?

  • a) Lend me some money?
  • b) Give me money.
  • c) Money, please.
  • d) I need money.

Question 2

A friend wants to borrow money from you. What do you say if you can’t lend them money?

  • a) Sure, here you go.
  • b) I’m sorry, I can’t right now.
  • c) No problem.
  • d) Take it.

Question 3

You borrowed money and forgot to pay it back. What do you say to your friend?

  • a) I forgot to pay you back.
  • b) I don’t owe you money.
  • c) Money isn’t important.
  • d) I’ll pay you next year.

Question 4

You want to ask your friend when they can pay you back. What do you say?

  • a) Forget about the money.
  • b) When can you pay me back?
  • c) Money is no problem.
  • d) Don’t worry about it.

Question 5

You lent money to a friend who is struggling financially. What do you say?

  • a) Pay me back now.
  • b) Don’t worry about it.
  • c) I need the money.
  • d) Money is important.

Question 6

You’re worried about lending money to a friend. What do you say to yourself?

  • a) Lending money is good.
  • b) It’s okay to lend money.
  • c) I should lend them the money.
  • d) I’m not sure about lending them money.

Question 7

Your friend is asking to borrow a large amount of money. What do you say?

  • a) Sure, no problem.
  • b) That’s a lot of money.
  • c) I have plenty of money.
  • d) Money doesn’t matter.

Question 8

You’ve lent money to many friends and haven’t been paid back. What do you say to yourself?

  • a) I’m a good friend.
  • b) I should stop lending money.
  • c) Money is easy to make.
  • d) Lending money is fun.
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Question 9

You paid back a loan early. What do you say to your friend?

  • a) I’m late on the payment.
  • b) I paid you back early.
  • c) I don’t owe you money.
  • d) Money isn’t a problem.

Question 10

You’re feeling pressured to lend money to someone. What do you say?

  • a) I’ll lend you the money.
  • b) I need to think about it.
  • c) Money is no problem.
  • d) I have plenty of money.

Answers and Explanations

Question 1: a) Lend me some money?

  • This is a direct request to borrow money.

Question 2: b) I’m sorry, I can’t right now.

  • This is a polite refusal.

Question 3: a) I forgot to pay you back.

  • This is an honest admission of the mistake.

Question 4: b) When can you pay me back?

  • This is a direct question about repayment.

Question 5: b) Don’t worry about it.

  • This shows understanding of the friend’s situation.

Question 6: d) I’m not sure about lending them money.

  • This expresses uncertainty.

Question 7: b) That’s a lot of money.

  • This expresses concern about the amount.

Question 8: b) I should stop lending money.

  • This reflects on past experiences.

Question 9: b) I paid you back early.

  • This informs the friend about the early repayment.

Question 10: b) I need to think about it.

  • This politely declines without giving a direct answer.

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