10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Verbs

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य यह जाँचना है कि आप क्रियाओं (verbs) के अत्यंत बुनियादी उपयोग को सही तरीके से समझते हैं या नहीं। क्रियाएँ वाक्य में क्रिया, अवस्था, या गतिविधि को व्यक्त करती हैं, जैसे “चलना,” “खाना,” “देखना,” और “सोना।” इस क्विज़ में, आप सरल वाक्यों में क्रियाओं के सही उपयोग का अभ्यास करेंगे। इससे आपको क्रियाओं के विभिन्न रूपों और उनके उपयोग के बारे में बेहतर समझ प्राप्त होगी। चलिए, इसे हल करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Very Basic Usage of Verbs

1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence: “She ___ to school every day.”

a) go
b) goes
c) going
d) gone

2. Identify the verb in this sentence: “They ___ a cake for the party.”

a) bakes
b) baking
c) bake
d) baked

3. Which verb correctly completes the sentence: “I ___ my homework now.”

a) do
b) does
c) doing
d) did

4. Select the sentence with the correct verb usage:

a) He swim in the pool every day.
b) He swims in the pool every day.
c) He swimming in the pool every day.
d) He swam in the pool every day.

5. What is the correct verb for the sentence: “The cat ___ on the couch.”

a) sleep
b) sleeping
c) sleeps
d) slept

6. Which sentence correctly uses the verb “read”?

a) She read a book last night.
b) She reading a book last night.
c) She reads a book last night.
d) She readed a book last night.

7. In the sentence “They ___ to music in the evening,” what is the correct verb?

See also  10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Prepositions Of Place

a) listen
b) listens
c) listened
d) listening

8. Identify the verb in this sentence: “He ___ his friends on the weekend.”

a) meet
b) meets
c) meeting
d) met

9. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence: “She ___ very well in the competition.”

a) perform
b) performs
c) performed
d) performing

10. Which sentence correctly uses the verb “cook”?

a) He cook dinner every evening.
b) He cooked dinner every evening.
c) He cooking dinner every evening.
d) He cooks dinner every evening.

Correct Answers

  1. b) goes
  2. d) baked
  3. a) do
  4. b) He swims in the pool every day.
  5. c) sleeps
  6. a) She read a book last night.
  7. a) listen
  8. d) met
  9. c) performed
  10. d) He cooks dinner every evening.

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