10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Subordinate Conjjunctions

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य यह जाँचना है कि आप अधीनस्थ संयोजकों (subordinate conjunctions) का सही तरीके से उपयोग कर पा रहे हैं या नहीं। अधीनस्थ संयोजक शब्द होते हैं जो मुख्य वाक्य और अधीनस्थ वाक्य के बीच संबंध स्थापित करते हैं, जैसे “यदि,” “क्योंकि,” “जब,” और “हालांकि।” इन संयोजकों का उपयोग वाक्यों को जोड़ने और उनके अर्थ को स्पष्ट करने के लिए किया जाता है। इस क्विज़ में, आप अधीनस्थ संयोजकों के सही उपयोग का अभ्यास करेंगे। चलिए, इसे हल करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Basic Usage of Subordinate Conjunctions

1. Choose the correct subordinate conjunction to complete the sentence: “I will go to the park ___ it stops raining.”

a) Because
b) Although
c) If
d) And

2. Identify the correct use of the subordinate conjunction in the sentence: “She stayed home ___ she was feeling sick.”

a) But
b) Because
c) Or
d) And

3. Which sentence correctly uses “although”?

a) Although it was raining, we went for a walk.
b) Although it was raining, but we went for a walk.
c) It was raining, although we went for a walk.
d) We went for a walk although it was raining.

4. Select the sentence with the appropriate use of “if”:

a) If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
b) You will pass the exam if you study hard.
c) You will pass the exam although you study hard.
d) If you study hard although you will pass the exam.

5. What is the correct subordinate conjunction for the sentence: “She left early ___ she could catch the bus.”

See also  10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Coordinating Conjunctions

a) So that
b) Because
c) And
d) But

6. Which sentence uses “when” correctly?

a) I will call you when I arrive home.
b) When I arrive home I will call you.
c) I will call you I arrive home when.
d) I will call you when arrive home.

7. In the sentence “He didn’t go to the party because he was tired,” what is the subordinate conjunction?

a) Didn’t
b) Because
c) He
d) Tired

8. Identify the correct conjunction in this sentence: “We will go to the beach ___ it’s sunny.”

a) If
b) Because
c) Although
d) But

9. Choose the correct subordinate conjunction to complete the sentence: “She is happy ___ she got a promotion.”

a) Because
b) Although
c) If
d) And

10. Which sentence correctly uses “although”?

a) Although she was tired, she finished her work.
b) She was tired although she finished her work.
c) She finished her work although she was tired.
d) She finished although her work was tired.

Correct Answers

  1. c) If
  2. b) Because
  3. a) Although it was raining, we went for a walk.
  4. a) If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
  5. a) So that
  6. a) I will call you when I arrive home.
  7. b) Because
  8. a) If
  9. a) Because
  10. a) Although she was tired, she finished her work.

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