10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Saying Thank You

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य यह जाँचना है कि आप धन्यवाद कहने के बुनियादी तरीकों को सही तरीके से समझते हैं या नहीं। सही तरीके से धन्यवाद कहना न केवल विनम्रता को दर्शाता है, बल्कि संवाद को भी सुसंगठित बनाता है। इस क्विज़ में, आप विभिन्न परिस्थितियों में धन्यवाद कहने के वाक्यों का अभ्यास करेंगे। इससे आपको यह समझने में मदद मिलेगी कि कब और कैसे सही तरीके से धन्यवाद कहा जाता है। चलिए, इसे हल करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Very Basic Usage of Saying Thank You

1. Choose the correct way to say thank you:

a) Thank you!
b) Thanks you!
c) Thank!
d) Thankful you!

2. Identify the polite way to express gratitude:

a) Thank you very much!
b) Thank very much you!
c) Thank you much very!
d) Much thank you!

3. Which sentence correctly says thank you for a gift?

a) Thank you for the gift!
b) Thanks for gift the!
c) Thank for the gift you!
d) Gift you for the thank!

4. Select the appropriate response to someone helping you:

a) Thank you for your help!
b) Thanks you for your help!
c) Thank you helping for your!
d) Help you for your thanks!

5. What is the correct way to thank someone for their time?

a) Thank you for your time!
b) Thanks for your time!
c) Thank you time for your!
d) Your time thanks you!

6. Which phrase is correct for expressing gratitude after receiving advice?

a) Thank you for your advice!
b) Thanks for advice your!
c) Thank you advice for your!
d) Advice for your thank you!

See also  10 MCQS Quiz on very basic usage of superlative  Adjectives  

7. In the sentence “I appreciate ___ help,” what is the correct word to complete it?

a) your
b) you
c) yours
d) you’re

8. Choose the correct way to say thanks for a compliment:

a) Thank you for the compliment!
b) Thanks for the compliment you!
c) Compliment the thank you for!
d) Thank compliment the you for!

9. Which sentence correctly thanks someone for a favor?

a) Thank you for the favor!
b) Thanks for favor the!
c) Favor the thanks you for!
d) Thank favor you for the!

10. What is the appropriate way to say thanks after a meal?

a) Thank you for the meal!
b) Thanks meal for the!
c) Meal thank you for the!
d) Thank you the meal for!

Correct Answers

  1. a) Thank you!
  2. a) Thank you very much!
  3. a) Thank you for the gift!
  4. a) Thank you for your help!
  5. a) Thank you for your time!
  6. a) Thank you for your advice!
  7. a) your
  8. a) Thank you for the compliment!
  9. a) Thank you for the favor!
  10. a) Thank you for the meal!

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