10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Saying I Forgot Something

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य यह जाँचना है कि आप “मैं भूल गया/गई” कहने के बुनियादी तरीकों को सही तरीके से समझते हैं या नहीं। किसी चीज़ को भूलना एक सामान्य मानवीय त्रुटि है, और इसे सही ढंग से व्यक्त करना संवाद में स्पष्टता और प्रभावशीलता को बढ़ाता है। इस क्विज़ में, आप विभिन्न परिस्थितियों में “मैं भूल गया/गई” कहने के वाक्यों का अभ्यास करेंगे। इससे आपको यह समझने में मदद मिलेगी कि कब और कैसे सही तरीके से इस वाक्यांश का उपयोग किया जाता है। चलिए, इसे हल करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Very Basic Usage of Saying “I Forgot Something”

1. Choose the correct way to say you forgot to bring something:

a) I forgot to bring it.
b) I bring it forgot.
c) Forgot I it to bring.
d) It forgot I to bring.

2. Identify the appropriate way to express forgetting an appointment:

a) I forgot about the appointment.
b) About the appointment forgot I.
c) I appointment the forgot about.
d) Forgot about I the appointment.

3. Which sentence correctly states forgetting a deadline?

a) I forgot the deadline.
b) Deadline I forgot the.
c) I the deadline forgot.
d) Forgot I the deadline.

4. Select the proper way to say you forgot someone’s name:

a) I forgot your name.
b) Your name I forgot.
c) I name forgot your.
d) Name forgot I your.

5. What is the correct way to say you forgot to call someone?

a) I forgot to call you.
b) Forgot I to call you.
c) Call I forgot to you.
d) You to call forgot I.

6. Choose the correct phrase to apologize for forgetting a meeting:

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a) I’m sorry, I forgot the meeting.
b) Sorry the meeting forgot I.
c) I forgot meeting the sorry.
d) Meeting forgot I’m sorry the.

7. In the sentence “I forgot to ___ the report,” what is the correct word to complete it?

a) submit
b) submits
c) submitting
d) submitted

8. Select the proper way to say you forgot to buy groceries:

a) I forgot to buy the groceries.
b) Buy the groceries I forgot to.
c) I the groceries to buy forgot.
d) Groceries forgot I to buy.

9. Which sentence correctly expresses forgetting to return a book?

a) I forgot to return the book.
b) Return book the forgot I to.
c) The book return I forgot to.
d) Forgot I return the book to.

10. What is the appropriate way to say you forgot a friend’s birthday?

a) I forgot your birthday.
b) Your birthday I forgot.
c) I birthday your forgot.
d) Forgot your birthday I.

Correct Answers

  1. a) I forgot to bring it.
  2. a) I forgot about the appointment.
  3. a) I forgot the deadline.
  4. a) I forgot your name.
  5. a) I forgot to call you.
  6. a) I’m sorry, I forgot the meeting.
  7. a) submit
  8. a) I forgot to buy the groceries.
  9. a) I forgot to return the book.
  10. a) I forgot your birthday.

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