10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Prepositions Of Place

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य यह जाँचना है कि आप स्थान के प्रेपोजिशन्स का सही तरीके से उपयोग कर पा रहे हैं या नहीं। प्रेपोजिशन्स ऑफ प्लेस वे शब्द होते हैं जो वस्तुओं या स्थानों के बीच संबंध को दर्शाते हैं, जैसे “के ऊपर,” “के नीचे,” “के पास,” और “के भीतर।” इस क्विज़ में, आप विभिन्न वाक्यों के माध्यम से इन प्रेपोजिशन्स की पहचान और उनके सही उपयोग का अभ्यास करेंगे। चलिए, इसे हल करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Basic Usage of Prepositions of Place

1. Choose the correct preposition of place to complete the sentence: “The cat is hiding ___ the bed.”

a) Under
b) On
c) Next to
d) Between

2. Identify the preposition of place in the sentence: “The park is near my house.”

a) Park
b) Near
c) House
d) My

3. Which sentence correctly uses the preposition “on”?

a) The book is on the table.
b) The book is at the table.
c) The book is in the table.
d) The book is by the table.

4. Select the sentence with the correct preposition for “next to”:

a) The bank is next to the supermarket.
b) The bank is on the supermarket.
c) The bank is in the supermarket.
d) The bank is under the supermarket.

5. What is the preposition of place in the sentence “The dog is playing in the garden”?

a) Dog
b) Playing
c) In
d) Garden

6. Which of the following sentences uses the preposition “between” correctly?

a) The school is between the two buildings.
b) The school is under the two buildings.
c) The school is on the two buildings.
d) The school is next to the two buildings.

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7. In the sentence “The ball is behind the couch,” what is the preposition?

a) Ball
b) Behind
c) Couch
d) Is

8. Identify the preposition of place in this sentence: “The children are playing outside the house.”

a) Playing
b) Outside
c) House
d) Children

9. Choose the correct preposition of place to complete the sentence: “The store is ___ the corner of the street.”

a) At
b) In
c) On
d) Between

10. Which sentence correctly uses the preposition “in”?

a) The coffee is in the cup.
b) The coffee is on the cup.
c) The coffee is at the cup.
d) The coffee is beside the cup.

Correct Answers

  1. a) Under
  2. b) Near
  3. a) The book is on the table.
  4. a) The bank is next to the supermarket.
  5. c) In
  6. a) The school is between the two buildings.
  7. b) Behind
  8. b) Outside
  9. a) At
  10. a) The coffee is in the cup.

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