10 Mcqs Quiz On  Very Basic Usage Of Nouns

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य संज्ञाओं (nouns) के बहुत बुनियादी उपयोग का परीक्षण करना है। संज्ञाएँ वे शब्द होते हैं जो किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, वस्तु, या विचार का नाम देती हैं, जैसे “कुत्ता,” “बाग,” “पेंसिल,” और “मित्र।” सही संज्ञा का चयन वाक्य की स्पष्टता और अर्थ को सुनिश्चित करता है। इस क्विज़ में, आप संज्ञाओं के सरल और बुनियादी उपयोग का अभ्यास करेंगे। चलिए, इसे हल करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Very Basic Usage of Nouns

1. Choose the correct noun to complete the sentence: “I have a ___ in my bag.”

a) pen
b) run
c) quickly
d) loud

2. Identify the noun in this sentence: “The dog is playing in the yard.”

a) playing
b) dog
c) is
d) yard

3. Which of the following is a noun?

a) jump
b) ball
c) sing
d) happily

4. Select the sentence with the correct noun usage:

a) She has two cats.
b) She has two cat.
c) She has two cat’s.
d) She has two catses.

5. What is the correct noun for the sentence: “He ate a delicious ___ for dinner.”

a) pizza
b) run
c) happily
d) sleep

6. Which sentence correctly uses the noun “house”?

a) They are moving to a new house.
b) They is moving to a new house.
c) They are moving to new house.
d) They are move to a new house.

7. In the sentence “The ___ is full of water,” what is the correct noun?

a) bucket
b) quickly
c) ran
d) happiness

8. Identify the noun in this sentence: “She gave me a gift for my birthday.”

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a) gave
b) gift
c) birthday
d) me

9. Choose the correct noun to complete the sentence: “The ___ is very noisy.”

a) street
b) ran
c) singing
d) blue

10. Which of these is a noun?

a) bright
b) laughter
c) quickly
d) run

Correct Answers

  1. a) pen
  2. b) dog
  3. b) ball
  4. a) She has two cats.
  5. a) pizza
  6. a) They are moving to a new house.
  7. a) bucket
  8. b) gift
  9. a) street
  10. b) laughter

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