10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Names Of Difff Professions

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य विभिन्न पेशों के नामों के बारे में आपकी बुनियादी जानकारी को परखना है। पेशेवर शब्दावली का ज्ञान न केवल आपकी सामान्य जानकारी को बढ़ाता है, बल्कि आपको विभिन्न पेशों के कार्य और जिम्मेदारियों को समझने में भी मदद करता है। इस क्विज़ के माध्यम से, आप विभिन्न पेशों के नाम और उनके उपयोग की समझ को सुधार सकते हैं। आइए, इस ज्ञानवर्धन क्विज़ को शुरू करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Very Basic Usage of Names of Different Professions

1. What is the profession of a person who writes books?

a) Doctor
b) Teacher
c) Author
d) Chef

2. What do you call a person who repairs vehicles?

a) Electrician
b) Mechanic
c) Plumber
d) Carpenter

3. What is the term for a person who teaches students in a school?

a) Lawyer
b) Engineer
c) Teacher
d) Nurse

4. What do you call a person who takes photographs professionally?

a) Photographer
b) Pilot
c) Scientist
d) Artist

5. What is the profession of a person who provides medical care?

a) Accountant
b) Nurse
c) Journalist
d) Architect

6. What do you call a person who designs buildings?

a) Chef
b) Architect
c) Lawyer
d) Driver

7. What is the term for someone who manages a company’s finances?

a) Engineer
b) Accountant
c) Writer
d) Teacher

8. What do you call a person who helps people in legal matters?

a) Lawyer
b) Pilot
c) Pharmacist
d) Musician

9. What is the profession of a person who creates and performs music?

a) Musician
b) Nurse
c) Farmer
d) Librarian

See also  10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Parts Of A Mall

10. What do you call a person who flies airplanes?

a) Chef
b) Pilot
c) Mechanic
d) Artist

Correct Answers

  1. c) Author
  2. b) Mechanic
  3. c) Teacher
  4. a) Photographer
  5. b) Nurse
  6. b) Architect
  7. b) Accountant
  8. a) Lawyer
  9. a) Musician
  10. b) Pilot

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