10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Definite Article > The

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य यह जाँचना है कि आप निश्चित लेख “the” का सही तरीके से उपयोग कर पा रहे हैं या नहीं। “The” एक निश्चित लेख होता है जो विशेष रूप से एक विशिष्ट वस्तु या व्यक्ति को दर्शाता है, जैसे “वह पुस्तक,” “वह स्कूल,” या “वह घर।” इस क्विज़ में, आप विभिन्न वाक्यों के माध्यम से “the” के सही उपयोग का अभ्यास करेंगे और यह समझेंगे कि इसे कब और कैसे इस्तेमाल करना है। चलिए, इसे हल करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Basic Usage of the Definite Article “The”

1. Choose the correct sentence that uses “the” appropriately:

a) She bought a book from the store.
b) She bought book from the store.
c) She bought a book from store.
d) She bought the book from store.

2. Identify the correct use of “the” in the sentence: “I met ___ teacher who helped me.”

a) The
b) A
c) An
d) No article

3. Which sentence correctly uses “the”?

a) The cat is sleeping on a sofa.
b) Cat is sleeping on the sofa.
c) The cat is sleeping on the sofa.
d) Cat is sleeping on sofa.

4. Select the sentence with the appropriate use of “the”:

a) We went to the restaurant for dinner.
b) We went to restaurant for dinner.
c) We went to a restaurant for dinner.
d) We went to the the restaurant for dinner.

5. What is the correct usage of “the” in the sentence: “She is going to ___ hospital”?

a) The
b) A
c) An
d) No article

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6. Which sentence uses “the” correctly before a singular noun?

a) The car is parked outside.
b) Car is parked outside.
c) A car is parked outside.
d) The cars is parked outside.

7. In the sentence “The sun rises in ___ east,” what is the article?

a) The
b) A
c) An
d) No article

8. Identify the correct use of “the” in this sentence: “___ apples on the table are fresh.”

a) The
b) A
c) An
d) No article

9. Choose the correct sentence that uses “the”:

a) I visited the Paris last summer.
b) I visited Paris last summer.
c) I visited the Paris last summer.
d) I visited Paris the last summer.

10. Which sentence correctly uses “the” before a plural noun?

a) The children are playing in the park.
b) Children are playing in the park.
c) A children are playing in the park.
d) The children is playing in the park.

Correct Answers

  1. a) She bought a book from the store.
  2. a) The
  3. c) The cat is sleeping on the sofa.
  4. a) We went to the restaurant for dinner.
  5. a) The
  6. a) The car is parked outside.
  7. a) The
  8. a) The
  9. b) I visited Paris last summer.
  10. a) The children are playing in the park.

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