10 MCQS Quiz on very basic usage of Comparative  Adjectives  

प्रश्नोत्तरी: तुलनात्मक विशेषणों का प्रयोग

यह प्रश्नोत्तरी उम्मीदवार की तुलनात्मक विशेषणों के बुनियादी उपयोग की समझ का परीक्षण करने के लिए तैयार की गई है। तुलनात्मक विशेषण दो चीजों की तुलना करने के लिए प्रयोग किए जाते हैं।

प्रश्न 1:

Which word is the comparative form of “big”?

  • (a) bigger
  • (b) biggest
  • (c) big
  • (d) bigness

प्रश्न 2:

Choose the correct comparative adjective to complete the sentence: “This book is ____ than that one.”

  • (a) more interesting
  • (b) most interesting
  • (c) interestingly
  • (d) interest

प्रश्न 3:

Which word is the comparative form of “happy”?

  • (a) happier
  • (b) happiest
  • (c) happyly
  • (d) happiness

प्रश्न 4:

Choose the correct comparative adjective to complete the sentence: “She is ____ than her sister.”

  • (a) prettier
  • (b) prettiest
  • (c) pretty
  • (d) prettily

प्रश्न 5:

Which word is the comparative form of “old”?

  • (a) older
  • (b) oldest
  • (c) oldly
  • (d) oldness

प्रश्न 6:

Choose the correct comparative adjective to complete the sentence: “This tree is ____ than that one.”

  • (a) taller
  • (b) tallest
  • (c) tall
  • (d) tallness

प्रश्न 7:

Which word is the comparative form of “good”?

  • (a) gooder
  • (b) better
  • (c) best
  • (d) goodness

प्रश्न 8:

Choose the correct comparative adjective to complete the sentence: “This coffee is ____ than that tea.”

  • (a) hotter
  • (b) hottest
  • (c) hot
  • (d) hotly

प्रश्न 9:

Which word is the comparative form of “bad”?

  • (a) badder
  • (b) worse
  • (c) worst
  • (d) badly

प्रश्न 10:

Choose the correct comparative adjective to complete the sentence: “This movie is ____ than the last one.”

  • (a) more exciting
  • (b) most exciting
  • (c) excitedly
  • (d) excitement
See also  10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Coordinating Conjunctions

उत्तर (Answers):

  1. (a) bigger
  2. (a) more interesting
  3. (a) happier
  4. (a) prettier
  5. (a) older
  6. (a) taller
  7. (b) better
  8. (a) hotter
  9. (b) worse

(a) more excitin

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