10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Buying A Dress

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य “एक ड्रेस खरीदने” से संबंधित बुनियादी वाक्यों का सही उपयोग समझना है। जब आप ड्रेस खरीदने की बात करते हैं, तो सही वाक्यांश का उपयोग करना महत्वपूर्ण होता है ताकि आप अपनी बात स्पष्टता से रख सकें और सौदे की प्रक्रिया को समझा सकें। इस क्विज़ के माध्यम से, आप इन बुनियादी वाक्यों के सही उपयोग का अभ्यास करेंगे। चलिए, क्विज़ शुरू करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Very Basic Usage of Buying a Dress

1. What is the correct way to ask about the price of a dress?

a) How much is this dress?
b) This dress is how much?
c) How much this dress is?
d) Is this dress how much?

2. Choose the correct sentence for inquiring about available sizes:

a) Do you have this dress in different sizes?
b) Have you this dress in different sizes?
c) In different sizes do you have this dress?
d) This dress in different sizes you have?

3. What is the proper way to ask if you can try on a dress?

a) Can I try on this dress?
b) Try on this dress can I?
c) This dress can I try on?
d) I try on this dress can?

4. Select the appropriate way to ask for a discount on a dress:

a) Can I get a discount on this dress?
b) Get a discount on this dress can I?
c) A discount on this dress can I get?
d) Can a discount get I on this dress?

5. Which sentence correctly asks for help in finding a dress?

a) Can you help me find a dress?
b) Help me find a dress can you?
c) Find a dress help me can you?
d) Can find a dress help me you?

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6. What is the correct way to ask if a dress is available in other colors?

a) Is this dress available in other colors?
b) Available in other colors is this dress?
c) This dress in other colors available is?
d) Other colors available is this dress?

7. Choose the right way to ask about the return policy for a dress:

a) What is the return policy for this dress?
b) The return policy for this dress what is?
c) For this dress return policy is what?
d) Is the return policy for this dress what?

8. What is the proper way to confirm the payment method for buying a dress?

a) Can I pay by credit card for this dress?
b) Pay by credit card for this dress can I?
c) By credit card can I pay for this dress?
d) This dress by credit card can I pay?

9. Select the correct way to ask if the dress can be altered:

a) Can this dress be altered?
b) Be altered this dress can?
c) Altered can this dress be?
d) This dress can be altered?

10. Choose the appropriate sentence to confirm if a dress is in stock:

a) Is this dress in stock?
b) In stock this dress is?
c) This dress stock in is?
d) Stock in is this dress?

Correct Answers

  1. a) How much is this dress?
  2. a) Do you have this dress in different sizes?
  3. a) Can I try on this dress?
  4. a) Can I get a discount on this dress?
  5. a) Can you help me find a dress?
  6. a) Is this dress available in other colors?
  7. a) What is the return policy for this dress?
  8. a) Can I pay by credit card for this dress?
  9. a) Can this dress be altered?
  10. a) Is this dress in stock?
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