10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Borrowing A Bike From A Friend

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य यह जाँचना है कि आप “दोस्त से Motorcycle उधार लेने” के बुनियादी वाक्यों और शब्दों का सही तरीके से उपयोग करते हैं या नहीं। जब आप किसी दोस्त से Motorcycle उधार लेना चाहते हैं, तो सही तरीके से सवाल पूछना और अनुरोध करना महत्वपूर्ण होता है। इस क्विज़ में, आप Motorcycle उधार लेने से संबंधित बुनियादी वाक्यों का अभ्यास करेंगे, जिससे आपको संवाद में अधिक आत्म-निर्भरता मिलेगी। चलिए, इसे हल करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Very Basic Usage of Borrowing a Bike from a Friend

1. Choose the correct way to ask if you can borrow a bike:

a) Can I borrow your bike?
b) Borrow I can your bike?
c) Your bike can I borrow?
d) Can your bike I borrow?

2. Identify the appropriate phrase to thank a friend for lending their bike:

a) Thank you for lending me your bike.
b) Lending me your bike thank you for.
c) Thank you your bike lending for me.
d) For lending your bike thank you me.

3. Which sentence correctly asks if you can use the bike tomorrow:

a) Can I use the bike tomorrow?
b) Use I the bike can tomorrow?
c) The bike can I use tomorrow?
d) Tomorrow can I use the bike?

4. Select the proper way to apologize for returning the bike late:

a) I’m sorry for returning the bike late.
b) Sorry I’m for returning the bike late.
c) For returning the bike late I’m sorry.
d) Returning the bike late I’m sorry for.

5. What is the correct way to ask if the bike is in good condition:

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a) Is the bike in good condition?
b) In good condition is the bike?
c) Good condition the bike is in?
d) The bike is in good condition?

6. Choose the correct phrase to ask if you need to fill the gas tank:

a) Do I need to fill the gas tank?
b) Need I do to fill the gas tank?
c) Fill the gas tank need I do?
d) Gas tank fill do I need?

7. In the sentence “I promise to ___ the bike in the same condition,” what is the correct word to use?

a) return
b) returning
c) returned
d) returns

8. Select the appropriate way to ask if you can borrow the bike for the weekend:

a) Can I borrow the bike for the weekend?
b) Borrow the bike can I for the weekend?
c) For the weekend can I borrow the bike?
d) The bike for the weekend can I borrow?

9. Which sentence correctly asks if you need to repair the bike before returning it:

a) Do I need to repair the bike before returning it?
b) Need I to repair the bike before returning it do?
c) Repair the bike do I need before returning it?
d) Before returning it need I to repair the bike?

10. What is the proper way to ask if you can keep the bike overnight:

a) Can I keep the bike overnight?
b) Keep the bike overnight can I?
c) Overnight can I keep the bike?
d) The bike overnight keep can I?

Correct Answers

  1. a) Can I borrow your bike?
  2. a) Thank you for lending me your bike.
  3. a) Can I use the bike tomorrow?
  4. a) I’m sorry for returning the bike late.
  5. a) Is the bike in good condition?
  6. a) Do I need to fill the gas tank?
  7. a) return
  8. a) Can I borrow the bike for the weekend?
  9. a) Do I need to repair the bike before returning it?
  10. a) Can I keep the bike overnight?
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