10 MCQ Quiz on Very Basic Usage of Fruit Names

इस क्विज़ का उद्देश्य यह जाँचना है कि आप फलों के नामों का बुनियादी उपयोग सही तरीके से समझते हैं या नहीं। फल न केवल हमारे भोजन का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं, बल्कि उनकी पहचान और सही उपयोग भी महत्वपूर्ण है। इस क्विज़ में, आप फलों के नामों की पहचान और उनके सही उपयोग का अभ्यास करेंगे। इससे आपको यह समझने में मदद मिलेगी कि किस संदर्भ में कौन सा फल उपयुक्त होता है। चलिए, इसे हल करते हैं!

MCQ Quiz on Very Basic Usage of Fruit Names

1. Choose the correct fruit name to complete the sentence: “I made a smoothie with ___ and bananas.”

a) broccoli
b) strawberries
c) chicken
d) bread

2. Identify the fruit in this sentence: “She loves to eat ___ for breakfast.”

a) rice
b) apples
c) pasta
d) cheese

3. Which of the following is a fruit?

a) carrot
b) spinach
c) mango
d) onion

4. Select the sentence with the correct fruit name:

a) He drank a glass of orange juice.
b) He drank a glass of orange milk.
c) He drank a glass of orange tea.
d) He drank a glass of orange soup.

5. What is the correct fruit for the sentence: “She added ___ to the fruit salad.”

a) pineapple
b) sugar
c) salt
d) butter

6. Which sentence correctly uses the fruit “banana”?

a) She eats a banana every day.
b) She eat a banana every day.
c) She eaten a banana every day.
d) She eating a banana every day.

7. In the sentence “The ___ is yellow and sweet,” what is the correct fruit?

See also  10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Prepositions Of Direction

a) banana
b) cucumber
c) cheese
d) rice

8. Identify the fruit in this sentence: “He prefers ___ over apples.”

a) cherries
b) milk
c) bread
d) fish

9. Choose the correct fruit name to complete the sentence: “We had ___ for dessert after dinner.”

a) grapes
b) meat
c) cereal
d) pasta

10. Which of these is a fruit?

a) peach
b) potato
c) lettuce
d) garlic

Correct Answers

  1. b) strawberries
  2. b) apples
  3. c) mango
  4. a) He drank a glass of orange juice.
  5. a) pineapple
  6. a) She eats a banana every day.
  7. a) banana
  8. a) cherries
  9. a) grapes
  10. a) peach

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