अनियमित क्रियाएँ

नियमित क्रियाएँ (Regular Verbs):

नियमित क्रियाएँ वाक्य रचना में पूर्वनिर्धारित पैटर्न का पालन करती हैं, जहाँ पास्ट सिम्पल और पास्ट पार्टिसिपल रूपों को क्रिया के बेस रूप में “-ed” जोड़कर बनाया जाता है।

उदाहरण: “Work” (बेस रूप)> Worked, Worked

अनियमित क्रियाएँ (Irregular Verbs):

अनियमित क्रियाएँ वाक्य रचना में पूर्वनिर्धारित पैटर्न का पालन नहीं करती हैं, और उनके पास्ट सिम्पल और पास्ट पार्टिसिपल रूप अपूर्व तरीकों से बदल सकते हैं। प्रत्येक अनियमित क्रिया के अपने विशिष्ट रूप होते हैं जो कि याद किए जाने चाहिए।

उदाहरण: “Go” (बेस रूप) > Went, Gone

संक्षेप में, नियमित और अनियमित क्रियाओं के बीच मुख्य अंतर पास्ट रूप और पास्ट पार्टिसिपल रूपों के निर्माण में होता है।

नियमित क्रियाएँ “-ed” जोड़कर एक पूर्वनिर्धारित पैटर्न का पालन करती हैं, जबकि अनियमित क्रियाएँ अपने विशिष्ट रूपों को याद करने की आवश्यकता होती है।

अनियमित क्रियाएँ और उनके रूपों को याद करना भाषा सीखने के महत्वपूर्ण पहलु होता है।

यहाँ कुछ अनियमित क्रियाओं के उदाहरण दिए गए हैं:

  1. Go – Went – Gone: I go to the park every day. Yesterday, I went to the zoo. I have gone to the movies with my friends.
  • Eat – Ate – Eaten: He eats breakfast early in the morning. Yesterday, he ate pasta for dinner. He has eaten at that restaurant before.
  • Come – Came – Come: She comes to the library to study. Last night, she came to the party. She has come to this city for a job.
  • Take – Took – Taken: They take the bus to work. Last week, they took a vacation. They have taken many photographs during their trip.
  • Do – Did – Done: I always do my homework. Yesterday, I did the laundry. I have done my best in this project.
  • See – Saw – Seen: We see a beautiful sunset every evening. Last weekend, we saw a movie. We have seen this movie before.
  • Read – Read – Read: She reads books every day. Last month, she read a novel. She has already read that article.
  • Write – Wrote – Written: He writes in his journal regularly. Last year, he wrote a short story. He has written many articles for the newspaper.
  • Break – Broke – Broken: The vase breaks easily. Yesterday, he broke his phone. He has broken three glasses this month.
  1. Drive – Drove – Driven: She drives to work every morning. Last week, she drove to the mountains. She has driven across the country.

ये उदाहरण दिखाते हैं कि अनियमित क्रियाएँ कैसे वाक्यों में प्रयोग होती हैं

Here’s the list of more verbs with their base forms, Past Simple, and Past Participle along with their Hindi translations:
See also  Interrogative Pronouns

bite – bit – bitten – काटना

blow – blew – blown – उड़ान भरना

break – broke – broken – तोड़ना

bring – brought – brought – लाना

broadcast – broadcast – broadcast – प्रसारण करना

build – built – built – बनाना

burn – burned or burnt – burned or burnt – जलना

buy – bought – bought – खरीदना

catch – caught – caught – पकड़ना

choose – chose – chosen – चुनना

come – came – come – आना

cost – cost – cost – मूल्य होना

cut – cut – cut – काटना

dig – dug – dug – खोदना

do – did – done – करना

draw – drew – drawn – खींचना

dream – dreamed or dreamt – dreamed or dreamt – सपना देखना

drive – drove – driven – ड्राइव करना

drink – drank – drunk – पीना

eat – ate – eaten – खाना

fall – fell – fallen – गिरना

feel – felt – felt – महसूस करना

fight – fought – fought – लड़ना

find – found – found – ढूंढ़ना

fly – flew – flown – उड़ना

forget – forgot – forgotten – भूल जाना

forgive – forgave – forgiven – माफ़ करना

freeze – froze – frozen – जमना

get – got – got (sometimes gotten) – प्राप्त करना

give – gave – given – देना

go – went – gone – जाना

grow – grew – grown – बढ़ना

hang – hung – hung – लटकना

have – had – had – रखना/होना

hear – heard – heard – सुनना

hide – hid – hidden – छुपाना

hit – hit – hit – मारना

hold – held – held – पकड़ना

hurt – hurt – hurt – चोट लगना

keep – kept – kept – रखना

know – knew – known – जानना

lay – laid – laid – रखना

lead – led – led – मार्गदर्शन करना

learn – learned or learnt – learned or learnt – सीखना

leave – left – left – छोड़ना

lend – lent – lent – उधार देना

let – let – let – देना/चाहना

lie – lay – lain – झूठ बोलना

lose – lost – lost – खोना

make – made – made – बनाना

mean – meant – meant – मतलब होना

meet – met – met – मिलना

pay – paid – paid – भुगतान करना

put – put – put – रखना

read – read – read – पढ़ना

ride – rode – ridden – सवारी करना

See also  Nouns Used As Singular Only

ring – rang – rung – घंटी बजाना

rise – rose – risen – उठना

run – ran – run – दौड़ना

say – said – said – कहना

see – saw – seen – देखना

sell – sold – sold – बेचना

send – sent – sent – भेजना

show – showed – showed or shown – दिखाना

shut – shut – shut – बंद करना

sing – sang – sung – गाना

sink – sank – sunk – डूबना

sit – sat – sat – बैठना

sleep – slept – slept – सोना

speak – spoke – spoken – बोलना

spend – spent – spent – खर्च करना

stand – stood – stood – खड़ा होना

stink – stank – stunk – बदबू आना

swim – swam – swum – तैरना

take – took – taken – लेना

teach – taught – taught – सिखाना

tear – tore – torn – फाड़ना

tell – told – told – बताना

think – thought – thought – सोचना

throw – threw – thrown – फेंकना

understand – understood – understood – समझना

wake – woke – woken – जागना

wear – wore – worn – पहनना

win – won – won – जीतना

write – wrote – written – लिखना

bite – bit – bitten – काटना

blow – blew – blown – उड़ान भरना

break – broke – broken – तोड़ना

bring – brought – brought – लाना

broadcast – broadcast – broadcast – प्रसारण करना

build – built – built – बनाना

burn – burned or burnt – burned or burnt – जलना

buy – bought – bought – खरीदना

catch – caught – caught – पकड़ना

choose – chose – chosen – चुनना

come – came – come – आना

cost – cost – cost – मूल्य होना

cut – cut – cut – काटना

dig – dug – dug – खोदना

do – did – done – करना

draw – drew – drawn – खींचना

dream – dreamed or dreamt – dreamed or dreamt – सपना देखना

drive – drove – driven – ड्राइव करना

drink – drank – drunk – पीना

eat – ate – eaten – खाना

fall – fell – fallen – गिरना

feel – felt – felt – महसूस करना

fight – fought – fought – लड़ना

find – found – found – ढूंढ़ना

fly – flew – flown – उड़ना

forget – forgot – forgotten – भूल जाना

forgive – forgave – forgiven – माफ़ करना

freeze – froze – frozen – जमना

See also  Person In English Grammar

get – got – got (sometimes gotten) – प्राप्त करना

give – gave – given – देना

go – went – gone – जाना

grow – grew – grown – बढ़ना

hang – hung – hung – लटकना

have – had – had – रखना/होना

hear – heard – heard – सुनना

hide – hid – hidden – छुपाना

hit – hit – hit – मारना

hold – held – held – पकड़ना

hurt – hurt – hurt – चोट लगना

keep – kept – kept – रखना

know – knew – known – जानना

lay – laid – laid – रखना

lead – led – led – मार्गदर्शन करना

learn – learned or learnt – learned or learnt – सीखना

leave – left – left – छोड़ना

lend – lent – lent – उधार देना

let – let – let – देना/चाहना

lie – lay – lain – झूठ बोलना

lose – lost – lost – खोना

make – made – made – बनाना

mean – meant – meant – मतलब होना

meet – met – met – मिलना

pay – paid – paid – भुगतान करना

put – put – put – रखना

read – read – read – पढ़ना

ride – rode – ridden – सवारी करना

ring – rang – rung – घंटी बजाना

rise – rose – risen – उठना

run – ran – run – दौड़ना

say – said – said – कहना

see – saw – seen – देखना

sell – sold – sold – बेचना

send – sent – sent – भेजना

show – showed – showed or shown – दिखाना

shut – shut – shut – बंद करना

sing – sang – sung – गाना

sink – sank – sunk – डूबना

sit – sat – sat – बैठना

sleep – slept – slept – सोना

speak – spoke – spoken – बोलना

spend – spent – spent – खर्च करना

stand – stood – stood – खड़ा होना

stink – stank – stunk – बदबू आना

swim – swam – swum – तैरना

take – took – taken – लेना

teach – taught – taught – सिखाना

tear – tore – torn – फाड़ना

tell – told – told – बताना

think – thought – thought – सोचना

throw – threw – thrown – फेंकना

understand – understood – understood – समझना

wake – woke – woken – जागना

wear – wore – worn – पहनना

win – won – won – जीतना

write – wrote – written – लिखना

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