A Conversation Between 2 Nurses Discussing Shift of Duties

A bilingual conversation between 2 nurses discussing about their shift of duties
Nurse 1: Hi, how was your shift today?
Nurse 2: अच्छा था, थोड़ा बहुत बिजी था।
Nurse 1: Yeah, mine too. I had a lot of patients in the morning.
Nurse 2: हाँ, मेरे भी थे। एक emergency case भी आया था।
Nurse 1: Oh, really? What happened?
Nurse 2: एक patient को severe chest pain हो रहा था, we had to rush him to the ICU.
Nurse 1: That sounds intense. How’s he now?
Nurse 2: Stable हो गया है, डॉक्टर्स monitoring कर रहे हैं।
Nurse 1: Good to know. My last shift was all about routine check-ups.
Nurse 2: मेरा तों night shift था, थोड़ी tough थी, but manageable.
Shift (English): – The period of time a nurse works.
Duties (English): – Tasks or responsibilities.
Busy (English): व्यस्त .
Patients (English): रोगी.
Emergency (English): आपातकालीन.
ICU (English): आईसीयू.
Stable (English): स्थिर.
Monitoring (English): मॉनिटरिंग.
Routine check-ups (English): सामान्य जाँच .
Night shift (English): रात का कार्यक्षेत्र.
Tough (English): कठिन
Manageable (English): संभालने योग्य .