Relationships By Marriage

On relationships by marriage

Parent: Alright, let’s talk about relationships through marriage. You know how we have aunts and uncles, right?

Kid: Yes, from Mom and Dad’s side.

Parent: That’s right. Now, sometimes, people get married, and their partners become part of the family too. So, your aunt or uncle’s husband or wife is your uncle or aunt by marriage.

Kid: Oh, like Aunt Pooja is not really related, but she’s still my aunt because she’s married to Uncle Rahul?

Parent: Exactly! Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Aunt Pooja and Uncle Rahul might have kids. Those kids are your cousins, but instead of being your first cousins, they are your first cousins once removed.

Kid: Why “once removed”?

Parent: Well, it’s because they are one generation away from being your direct cousins. They’re still family, just a little bit more distant on the family tree.

Kid: That makes sense.

Parent: Good! And if your cousins by marriage have kids, those little ones are your second cousins. It’s like building an extended family with each marriage and each new generation.

Kid: So, marriages make the family bigger!

Parent: Absolutely! Now, let’s talk about grandparents. You know how we have Grandma and Grandpa?

Kid: Yes, of course!

Parent: Well, if Grandma or Grandpa gets remarried, their new spouse becomes your step-grandparent. It’s like having an extra grandparent, and they become part of our family too.

Kid: What about their kids?

Parent: Great question! If your step-grandparent has kids from a previous marriage, they are your step-aunts or step-uncles. And if they have kids, those are your step-cousins.

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Kid: It’s like blending families together!

Parent: Exactly! Families can grow in many different ways through marriages. And you know, sometimes people also have what we call in-laws. These are the family members that come into your life when someone gets married. For example, if your aunt or uncle gets married, their spouse’s family becomes your in-laws.

Kid: So, in-laws are like extra family members?

Parent: Exactly! Your aunt or uncle’s spouse’s parents become your in-laws, and your cousins from that side become your in-law cousins. It’s another way our family grows and extends beyond our immediate relatives.

Kid: Wow, there are so many ways to be a family!

Parent: Absolutely! Families come in all shapes and sizes, and it’s the love and connection we share that make us a family. Whether it’s through blood, marriage, or even close friendships, each person brings something unique to the family.

Kid: What about people who are not married but are still together?

Parent: Ah, good question! When two people are in a long-term relationship but not married, we often refer to them as partners.

Parent: You’re absolutely right! Now, let’s talk about something called “sibling-in-law.” These are the brothers and sisters of your spouse. For instance, if you get married someday, your spouse’s brothers and sisters become your brothers and sisters-in-law.

Kid: So, it’s like having extra brothers and sisters!

Parent: Exactly! And just like with your regular siblings, you can form strong bonds and friendships with your brothers and sisters-in-law. They become part of your extended family, and you share important moments and experiences with them.

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Kid: That sounds cool!

Parent: It is! And if your brothers or sisters-in-law have kids, they become your nieces and nephews. It’s like having more little cousins, and you get to be the cool aunt or uncle!

Kid: I’d like that!

Parent: Now, let’s not forget about something called “cousins-in-law.” These are the cousins of your spouse. So, if your spouse has cousins, they become your cousins-in-law.

Kid: More cousins!

Parent: Yes, and just like your regular cousins, you can have a lot of fun and create lasting memories with your cousins-in-law. It’s all about building connections and relationships that make your family even more special.

Kid: What if someone in the family gets divorced?

Parent: Great question! If someone in the family gets divorced, it might change the family structure a bit, but it doesn’t mean the end of family ties.

WordMeaning in Hindi
Auntमौसी, ममी (आंकल की पत्नी)
Blendingमिलान, मेल, एक साथ आना
Blood Relationsखून के रिश्तों से संबंधित
Bondsरिश्ता, बंधन, मित्रता
Cool Aunt or Uncleशांत, मित्री, योग्य आंट या अंकल
Cousinsचचेरे भाइयों और बहनों
Cousins-in-lawजेठ/देवर-भाभी, ननद/जीजा (विवाह के माध्यम से आने वाले कनेक्शन)
Extended Familyपरिवार का विस्तारित हिस्सा
Family Treeपरिवार के सदस्यों का संबंध दिखाने वाला चित्रकला
Formबनाना, रचना, बना लेना
Generationयुग, नस्ल, पीढ़ी
Immediate Relativesतत्काल परिवार के सदस्य
In-lawsसास, ससुर, दामाद, बहु, जेठ-जी, जेठानी (विवाह के माध्यम से आने वाले परिवार)
Love and Connectionप्रेम और जुड़ाव
Marriageविवाह के माध्यम से
Marriagesविवाह के रिश्तों से संबंधित
Nieces and Nephewsभागिनी और भाई के बच्चे
Partnerजीवनसंगी, पार्टनर
Sibling-in-lawदामाद/बहु, सास/ससुर (पति/पत्नी के भाइयों और बहनों)
Step-cousinsदामाद/बहु के बच्चे, जो विवाह के माध्यम से आते हैं
Step-grandparentदादा/दादी का नया साथी
Uncleमौसा, मामा (आंकल)

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