Buying A T-Shirt

Situation: Alice and Bob are discussing buying a t-shirt.

Alice: Hey, Bob! I was thinking of getting a new t-shirt. Any suggestions?

Bob: Oh, that’s a good idea. What color or style are you looking for?

Alice: I was thinking something casual, maybe a simple white or blue one.

. We can make it a shopping day. Looking forward to it!

Alice: Me too

Bob: Nice choice. We could check out that new clothing store downtown. They have a variety.

Alice: Sounds good. Do they have sales going on?

Bob: I’m not sure. We can take a look. When are you thinking of going?

Alice: Maybe this weekend? I heard they have some discounts on Saturdays.

Bob: Perfect! I’m free on Saturday. Let’s plan to meet there around noon?

Alice: Sure, that works for me. I might also check out those jeans I saw last time.

Bob: Cool! Thanks for the suggestion.

Here’s the updated table with pronunciation and Hindi meanings:

Casualकैज़्यूअलआरामी, अनफ़र्मल
Varietyवैराइटीविविधता, भिन्नता
Discountsडिस्काउंट्सछूट, रेड़िस्ट
Looking forward toलुकिंग फ़ॉरवर्ड टूसत्ताईश रहना, इंतज़ार करना
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