Irregular Verbs

अनियमित क्रियाएँ (Irregular Verbs):

अनियमित क्रियाएँ वे क्रियाएँ हैं जो अपने रूपों के लिए निर्दिष्ट नियमों का पालन नहीं करतीं हैं।

इनके रूप विभिन्न तरीके से बदल सकते हैं, जिससे इन्हें सीधे नहीं याद किया जा सकता है।


  • अनियमित क्रिया: go – went – gone
  • सामान्य क्रिया: play – played – played

अनियमित क्रियाएँ वाक्य में इस्तेमाल करने के लिए हमें इनके विभिन्न रूपों का ठीक से प्रयोग करना होता है।

उदाहरण के लिए:

  • go to school every day.
  • Yesterday, I went to the market.
  • I have never gone to that place before.

अनियमित क्रियाएँ किसी निश्चित नियम का पालन नहीं करतीं हैं और इनके रूप याद करना थोड़ा मुश्किल हो सकता है। हो सकता है कि कुछ क्रियाएँ समान हों, लेकिन इनके रूप भिन्न हो सकते हैं।

अनियमित क्रियाओं में ‘ed’ जोड़ने का नियम काम नहीं करता है, क्योंकि इन क्रियाओं के रूप विशिष्ट होते हैं और उन्हें सामान्य नियमों के तहत नहीं बदला जा सकता है।

यहां कुछ उदाहरण हैं:

  1. Go – Went – Gone (जाना):
    • सामान्य नियम: go – goed (या goes)
    • अनियमित नियम: I went to the market yesterday. She has already gone home.
  2. Eat – Ate – Eaten (खाना):
    • सामान्य नियम: eat – eated (या eats)
    • अनियमित नियम: Yesterday, I ate pizza. I have never eaten sushi.
  3. Come – Came – Come (आना):
    • सामान्य नियम: come – comed (या comes)
    • अनियमित नियम: They came to the party last night. Have you ever come to this city?
  4. Take – Took – Taken (लेना):
    • सामान्य नियम: take – taked (या takes)
    • अनियमित नियम: She took my book without asking. I have not taken a vacation in years.
  5. See – Saw – Seen (देखना):
    • सामान्य नियम: see – seed (या sees)
    • अनियमित नियम: We saw a beautiful sunset yesterday. Have you ever seen the Eiffel Tower?

इस तरह, इन अनियमित क्रियाओं के साथ ‘ed’ जोड़ने की सामान्य प्रक्रिया नहीं काम करती है और हमें इनके विशिष्ट रूपों को याद करना पड़ता है।

याद करने का तरीका:

  1. सामान्यत: क्रियाओं के रूपों को याद करने के लिए आमतौर पर उन्हें रट लेना असरदार हो सकता है।
  • वाक्य प्रयोग: क्रियाओं को वाक्यों में इस्तेमाल करके उन्हें सही संदर्भ में याद करना सहारा प्रदान कर सकता है।
  • नोटबुक: एक नोटबुक में जिन अनियमित क्रियाओं के साथ आप सामना करते हैं, उन्हें एक उदाहरण वाक्य के साथ नोट करें और फिर समय-समय पर उन्हें संशोधित करते रहें।

अनियमित क्रियाओं का सीधा याद करना थोड़ा मुश्किल हो सकता है, लेकिन युक्ति और अभ्यास से इन्हें आसानी से सीखा जा सकता है।

उचित रूप से अनियमित क्रियाओं को समझना बोली जाने वाली अंग्रेजी में प्रभावी, स्पष्ट, और संतुलित संवाद के लिए अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है.

More Irregular Verbs

choose (चुनना)

– base verb: choose

See also  24 Basic Verbs

– inflections: choose/chooses, chose, chosen

: You can choose your favorite flavor of ice cream.

lead (नेतृत्व करना)

– base verb: lead

– inflections: lead/leads, led, led

: A good leader should lead by example.

forget (भूलना)

– base verb: forget

– inflections: forget/forgets, forgot, forgotten

: Don’t forget to turn off the lights before leaving.

forgive (माफ करना)

– base verb: forgive

– inflections: forgive/forgives, forgave, forgiven

: It’s important to forgive and let go of grudges.

freeze (जमना)

– base verb: freeze

– inflections: freeze/freezes, froze, frozen

: In winter, water can freeze into ice.

get (प्राप्त करना)

– base verb: get

– inflections: get/gets, got, got/gotten

: I need to get some rest after a long day.

give (देना)

– base verb: give

– inflections: give/gives, gave, given

: It’s better to give than to receive.

go (जाना)

– base verb: go

– inflections: go/goes, went, gone

: Let’s go on an adventure.

grow (बढ़ना)

– base verb: grow

– inflections: grow/grows, grew, grown

: Plants grow when they receive sunlight and water.

hang (लटकना)

– base verb: hang

– inflections: hang/hangs, hung, hung

: We can hang the clothes on the line to dry.

have (होना/रखना)

– base verb: have

– inflections: have/has, had, had

: I have a pet cat named Whiskers.

hear (सुनना)

– base verb: hear

– inflections: hear/hears, heard, heard

: Can you hear the music playing in the background?

hide (छुपाना)

– base verb: hide

– inflections: hide/hides, hid, hidden

: Children often like to hide during hide-and-seek.

hit (मारना)

– base verb: hit

– inflections: hit/hits, hit, hit

: Be careful not to hit your head on the low doorway.

hold (पकड़ना/धारित करना)

– base verb: hold

– inflections: hold/holds, held, held

: You can hold my hand while crossing the street.

More Irregular Verbs

hurt (चोट पहुंचाना)

– base verb: hurt

– inflections: hurt/hurts, hurt, hurt

: Kind words can heal where it may hurt.

keep (रखना)

– base verb: keep

– inflections: keep/keeps, kept, kept

: It’s essential to keep your promises.

kneel (गुटने टेकना)

– base verb: kneel

– inflections: kneel/kneels, knelt, knelt

: Some people kneel down to pray.

knit (बुनना)

– base verb: knit

– inflections: knit/knits, knit, knit

: My grandmother used to knit warm scarves for us.

know (जानना)

– base verb: know

– inflections: know/knows, knew, known

: It’s important to know the facts before making a decision.

lay (रखना)

– base verb: lay

– inflections: lay/lays, laid, laid

: Lay the blanket on the bed before going to sleep.

lead (नेतृत्व करना)

– base verb: lead

– inflections: lead/leads, led, led

: The captain will lead the team to victory.

leave (छोड़ना)

– base verb: leave

– inflections: leave/leaves, left, left

: Don’t leave your belongings unattended.

lend (उधार देना)

– base verb: lend

– inflections: lend/lends, lent, lent

See also  शब्दावली को तेजी से व्यवस्थित रूप से कैसे विकसित करें ?

: Can you lend me your umbrella for today?

let (अनुमति देना)

– base verb: let

– inflections: let/lets, let, let

: Please let me know if you have any questions.

lie (झूठ बोलना)

– base verb: lie

– inflections: lie/lies, lay, lain

: It’s not polite to lie about your achievements.

lose (खोना)

– base verb: lose

– inflections: lose/loses, lost, lost

: Don’t be afraid to lose, it’s a part of the game.

make (बनाना)

– base verb: make

– inflections: make/makes, made, made

: Let’s make a delicious meal together.

mean (मतलब होना)

– base verb: mean

– inflections: mean/means, meant, meant

: What does this symbol mean?

meet (मिलना)

– base verb: meet

– inflections: meet/meets, met, met

: I hope to meet you in person someday.

pay (भुगतान करना)

– base verb: pay

– inflections: pay/pays, paid, paid

: Don’t forget to pay the bill before leaving the restaurant.

put (रखना/डालना)

– base verb: put

– inflections: put/puts, put, put

: Put your shoes in the designated area.

read (पढ़ना)

– base verb: read

– inflections: read/reads, read, read

: It’s a joy to read a good book.

ride (सवारी करना)

– base verb: ride

– inflections: ride/rides, rode, ridden

: I love to ride my bicycle in the park.

ring (बजाना)

– base verb: ring

– inflections: ring/rings, rang, rung

: The doorbell will ring when the guests arrive.

rise (उठना)

– base verb: rise

– inflections: rise/rises, rose, risen

: The hot air balloons will rise into the sky.

run (दौड़ना)

– base verb: run

– inflections: run/runs, ran, run

: Dogs love to run in the open field.

More Irregular Verbs

say (कहना)

– base verb: say

– inflections: say/says, said, said

: Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

see (देखना)

– base verb: see

– inflections: see/sees, saw, seen

: I can see the mountains in the distance.

sell (बेचना)

– base verb: sell

– inflections: sell/sells, sold, sold

: They plan to sell handmade crafts at the market.

send (भेजना)

– base verb: send

– inflections: send/sends, sent, sent

: I will send you a postcard from my vacation.

set (सेट करना)

– base verb: set

– inflections: set/sets, set, set

: Let’s set the table for a special dinner.

shake (हिलाना)

– base verb: shake

– inflections: shake/shakes, shook, shaken

: You can shake the salad dressing before pouring it.

shine (चमकना)

– base verb: shine

– inflections: shine/shines, shone, shone

: The stars shine brightly in the night sky.

shoot (गोली चलाना)

– base verb: shoot

– inflections: shoot/shoots, shot, shot

: The photographer will shoot a beautiful sunset.

show (दिखाना)

– base verb: show

– inflections: show/shows, showed, shown/showed

: Let me show you how to do it correctly.

shut (बंद करना)

– base verb: shut

– inflections: shut/shuts, shut, shut

: Please shut the door behind you.

See also  Medical Vocabulary

sing (गाना)

– base verb: sing

– inflections: sing/sings, sang, sung

: We can sing along to our favorite song.

sink (डूबना)

– base verb: sink

– inflections: sink/sinks, sank, sunk

: The ship will sink if there is a hole in it.

sit (बैठना)

– base verb: sit

– inflections: sit/sits, sat, sat

: Let’s sit on the porch and enjoy the sunset.

sleep (सोना)

– base verb: sleep

– inflections: sleep/sleeps, slept, slept

: It’s important to get enough sleep for good health.

slide (स्लाइड करना)

– base verb: slide

– inflections: slide/slides, slid, slid

: Children love to slide down the playground slide.

speak (बोलना)

– base verb: speak

– inflections: speak/speaks, spoke, spoken

: It’s important to speak clearly when giving a presentation.

spend (खर्च करना)

– base verb: spend

– inflections: spend/spends, spent, spent

: We should spend our time wisely.

spread (फैलाना)

– base verb: spread

– inflections: spread/spreads, spread, spread

: You can spread butter on the toast.

spring (उछलना)

– base verb: spring

– inflections: spring/springs, sprang, sprung

: Cats can spring from the ground to high places.

stand (खड़ा होना)

– base verb: stand

– inflections: stand/stands, stood, stood

: Please stand in line and wait for your turn.

steal (चुराना)

– base verb: steal

– inflections: steal/steals, stole, stolen

: It’s not right to steal from others.

swim (तैरना)

•              base verb: swim

•              inflections: swim/swims, swam, swum

•              : I love to swim in the ocean.

take (लेना)

•              base verb: take

•              inflections: take/takes, took, taken

•              : Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable.

.teach (सिखाना)

•              base verb: teach

•              inflections: teach/teaches, taught, taught

•              : She decided to teach English to children in a remote village.

tear (फाड़ना)

•              base verb: tear

•              inflections: tear/tears, tore, torn

•              : Be careful not to tear the paper while wrapping the gift.

tell (बताना)

•              base verb: tell

•              inflections: tell/tells, told, told

•              : Can you tell me the way to the nearest bookstore?

think (सोचना)

•              base verb: think

•              inflections: think/thinks, thought, thought

•              : It’s important to think before making important decisions.

throw (फेंकना)

•              base verb: throw

•              inflections: throw/throws, threw, thrown

•              : He can throw a ball very far.

understand (समझना)

•              base verb: understand

•              inflections: understand/understands, understood, understood

•              : It takes time to understand complex concepts.

wake (जागना)

•              base verb: wake

•              inflections: wake/wakes, woke, woken

•              : I usually wake up early in the morning.

wear (पहनना)

•              base verb: wear

•              inflections: wear/wears, wore, worn

•              : She likes to wear colorful dresses.

win (जीतना)

•              base verb: win

•              inflections: win/wins, won, won

•              : The team worked hard to win the championship.

write (लिखना)

•              base verb: write

•              inflections: write/writes, wrote, written

•              : I like to write poetry in my free time.

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